Tuesday, November 21, 2006

A little downtime--thinking "outloud"

Last week was pretty crazy. KidsInCers worked on their service project, the mugs for the visitors during the holiday season. I got the idea from a back issue of CM magazine, but I couldn't remember which one. Seriously, it was from several years ago. The kids enjoyed it, though, and we ended the session with a devotion about serving others. It always amazes me: the kids were a little rowdy during the actual project (always are right before a holiday from school), but when we sat down for the devotion, they were silent and attentive.

I'm going off on a tangent here, surprise, but I was once a public high school teacher, and I remember that when I would actually sit in front of the class and read from a book, they immediately focused. They LOVE being read to, and I wonder if, in this busy world of bussing kids to soccer, dance, and band practice, if we ever take the time to read to our kids. Hmmm...just a thought.

Anyway, KidsInC is off for 2 weeks, so in December we'll make Advent calendars and trim the tree. We'll also make the gifts for the teachers as I said, although I think that I'm going to switch from cookie fixings to making hot chocolate mix to allow for more time.

The Santa movie went...well, it went. It was just one of the organizers and me. I think that with all the hubub and changing the date, it just went kaplooey. Oh well. In other news, the Thanksgiving Feast for the Day School was precious, and consequently, I learned about a new cookie craft: a shortbread cookie (keebler) turned chocolate side up, a marshmallow coated in chocolate and stuck to the cookie and then yellow icing piped to look like a buckle. It makes a pilgrim's hat. Plus it was yummy.

Now I've got a 1/2 week and have a little downtime. We're decorating for Xmas this week and wrapping up the Thanksgiving unit.

Next week, though, starts the Advent rush. Here we go...

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