Friday, January 19, 2007

Conferences and seminars

Lots of seminars coming up:

  • Good Grief for Kids
  • APCE--this one I'm attending more for networking and because a church member is receiving a lifetime achievement award
  • Promiseland--having recently moved from Chicago, I'm not a huge fan of Willow Creek personally (megachurches just aren't my personal style, and frankly, Barrington has always struck me as a monoethnic suburban nightmare), but they do have great leadership conferences.

Anyone attending any of these?


The JadedCM said...

I attended APCE last year. It felt A LOT like the Children's Pastor's Conference only a little Presbyterian. It was in St. Louis last year. I'm glad I have been, but I wouldn't plan on attending again.

I as well am not a fan of Willow Creek. I grow tired of what the megachurches are doing and the mentality that EVERYONE else should be doing it their way.

I am not famliar with Good Grief for Kids.

I am planning on attending the regional APCE meeting. Ours is in October, you might want to see when yours is.

I actually have been looking for a good conference or continuing education location for this year. Sadly, I have not be able to find anything that really appeals to me yet.

CLPC Kids said...

Yeah, I remember your comment about APCE before. In looking at the workshops listed, it seems much like CPC, but because someone from the church is receiving the award, I want to attend in order to support her. Plus, I've never been so the networking should be good for me.

I agree with the comment about megachurches and the follow us mentality. I'm hoping that the workshops I signed up for will avoid that mentality.

The Good Grief thing is local, but it is something I look forward to because we've had a lot of kids lose parents lately.

My frustration with conferences is that they are all so surface, so happy happy joy joy and minus substance. Personally, I'd prefer a blank slate conference where we are broken up into groups and just throw out ideas/issues and talk about whatever comes up. I'd get more out of that.

Calvary Kids said...

I have gained from my time at Promiseland conferences. I'd like to get back again because it seems like they have some new things going on there with their soon-to-be released preschool curriculum and new leadership.

Go in with a positive attitude. Try not to get discouraged or sidetracked by their "wow" factor. Their size and resources are unimaginable and can be intimidating.

Please be sure to report back about your experience! Wish I was going this year - it'd be fun to meet you in person!

Kathryn Egly said...

I'll be going to the Promiseland conference. I live not too far from Willow and I've really learned so much from them. I thank God for Bill Hybels and the way he invests into other leaders. I've often heard him and others on their staff say, "don't just do what we do, take what you learn and apply it the way that would work best at your church." I don't feel they are trying to make us like them, they are just sharing what has worked for them...hoping it will help us. I'm so thankful for churches and blogs and ministries and conferences that do that! I wouldn't be where I am now without that.

To CLPC kids - promiseland does have "breakouts" where you just get into small groups and share ideas, concerns, questions, etc.

My team and I usually leave Willow, yes, a little overwhelmed, but always excited, inspired, and looking forward to what God is going to do in our ministry because of what was put into us during our time there.