Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Pilot starts March 4

It's almost here, the Children's Worship Pilot. We're doing 4 weeks and studying how to worship God with your heart, soul, strength, and mind. We've also got a technology group to put together multimedia presentations.

Also, we've got a children's worship leadership group called Exalt who meet once a week to plan leading worship. They will lead during the pilot and will also lead alongside adults in all three regular Palm Sunday Services.

Ok, more on this later. It's 10:30 and I just got out of Session meeting! I'm probably repeating earlier posts, so forgive me!


The JadedCM said...

You are doing some of the most cutting edge things I have ever seen. Oh yeah a lot of churches do "Children's Worship" but how many actually explore the TRUE meaning of worship prior to beginning.

I love reading your stuff.

CLPC Kids said...

Wow! Thank you! Sometimes I get a little down because I have so much more in my head but have my hands tied with finances or other obstacles so I can't do it all. It's nice to get such feedback.

BTW, I love reading your posts, too. Thank you for being real.