Saturday, December 02, 2006

Evening of Advent

The evening of Advent was a success. First of all, a "cold snap" came in (literally, it was 70 degrees one minute and then clouds flew over and it was 35). That was a good and bad thing. It certainly got me in the mood for Christmas, as well as the other people who were there, but it did deter a large group of folks from coming. Texans don't like cold. ;o)

That said, numbers weren't spectacular, but WHO CARES??? What I saw as I walked around last night was that new families to the church were involved! They were gathered at tables with other new and long time families, making wreaths and discussing plans for the holidays. Also, TONS of the OAKS (older adults keeping spiritual) were there, visiting with families and helping out the kids with their crafts. I, for one, chatted with people I've never had the chance to visit with before (because their kids are grown). Another plus: usually Grinchy members of the congregation were wearing holly bow ties and SMILING!!! Choir members were caroling through the halls. I was immediately cured of any bah humbug feelings (and there is certainly a lot of bah humbugging going on nowadays) and brought back to my youth, to days spent at my home church with my church family decorating the church with greenery and drinking wassail and hot chocolate.

My hope is that the Christmas spirit has spilled over contagiously to the worship services this weekend and into our greeting of visitors. We have the welcome mugs all ready, but I'm hoping our spirit is what embraces people, not a decorative mug.

Speaking of Christmas spirit, my cats have it for sure because I just spied one dragging HER present out from under the tree (she won't touch others). Gotta run before she opens it!


Calvary Kids said...

Sounds like a wonderful evening of cross-generational, cross-cultural (in a churchy sense) interaction!

margieh said...

ditto! very cool!!