Wednesday, March 28, 2007

KidsInC Lent

Ok, sorry for the 3rd post in a row, but there's a lot going on. In KidsInC (preteen ministry), we've been doing a Lenten series which came from a hodgepodge of places (books, my head, worship planning, etc). One book that has some really good ideas in it is Seasons of Faith by Abingdon Press. I don't use it exclusively but more as a springboard for ideas. It's a great building block.

We've worked on Jesus' baptism and created a "river" for them to put their feet in while we told the story. It was basically a covered wading pool, some water, pebbles, sand, and some fake rocks and plants, but they got the point, and they loved the tactile sensory stuff. We also did the temptation of Jesus, which led into some peer pressure issues, and then Jesus' healing which was nice because we incorporated some activities from the Bo's Place grief seminar and opened up some great discussion in small groups. And today was the Triumphal Entry lesson. The Seasons of Faith book has some great art projects like a mural incorporating all of these lessons and a Lenten Tree which the kids have had fun decorating.

Next week, it's the Cleansing of the Temple to the Crucifixion, and we're ending the time with our version of a Tenebrae service, which I'm very pumped about. And then the following week, we're doing our Easter celebration, and they can't wait for that.

Then we're doing our monthly service project which this time is goodie bags for the confirmands who go before Session that weekend, and then it's time for our retreat which is going to be focused on friendships.

Ok, I should probably go to sleep now, but I'm just psyched. It was a great night with soooo many kids--a little chaotic, but that's always fun!

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