Thursday, May 10, 2007

DC area churches

My elder (and VBS chairperson) and her family are moving to the DC area. Anybody know of some churches with great children's ministry out there? They've got a 1st and 4th grader.

They are Presbyterian, but they might look outside Presbyland. Traditional (stand and sit hymn) services are not their style, btw.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They would be welcomed at my church, and they can check out an over view of the cm at We are A/g though. If they want Baptist instead there is a good Baptist church called Fair Oaks and there is a non-denom called Fairfax Community church just down the road from us as well.

All of these are in the Fairfax area. Let me know exactly where they are moving to and I could help you find one a little better.