Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Roger's 19

While I'm not sure about his FAT style of recruiting, I do like his 19 Simple Rules about CM .

Some of my favorites and why:
  • The facilities/maintenance supervisor will not be permitted to give the Children’s Pastor mean looks in the hallway.--Oh, man do I have this problem, especially since I painted chalkboard paint on the wall in one of the rooms. The Building and Grounds committee could not (even after full explanation) understand why I painted the wall instead of installing a chalkboard. It raised such controversy that they brought it to Session and approved a new policy of approval for paint selection. Good thing I painted the orange and lime green room before the policy came out.
  • No matter how disruptive children’s church becomes during the adult service, ushers are not permitted to enter children’s church and “shush” while kids are singing.--Had this happen last Sunday when the kids were so excited about receiving their Bibles and were asking a multitude of questions. The usher actually came in and told them to be quiet, as they were disturbing the worshippers. Stuffy church!
  • The names of children’s ministry workers who fail to show up without notifying the department director will be printed in the church bulletin the following week. Second offenses will result in a public reprimand by the Senior Pastor during the adult service on the following Sunday morning.--Ha! In my dreams.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shaking head, shaking head, my my my. How, non-creative, how non-adventurous.

Why, just think what they would think if I were there with you.... for much of the church would have black board walls!! Moreover, Up Side Rooms, and glow in the dark paint splattered all over!! Oh, do not forget the brick wall with the hole in it.... and the wonderful painting of the Crosses on Calvary.

I think that the two of us together would be much more then they could handle. The Kids would love us, but the meetings we would be the topic of... oh my I can only imagine.

Creative, new and adventurous ways to encourage and show God's love is what it is all about. About getting kids excited about Jesus is the utmost!

Competing in a world where there is creative ways to dispel Christ, His teaching and love.... it falls to those who are passionate about children to rise to the opportunity to be BOLD, DARING, and UN AFRAID to teach about Jesus in a fun way.

The worst way to teach about Jesus is in a humdrum way that is tiring, boring and slow. We do not glorify the Almighty that way and HE deserves better than that. You had better believe that others would use Fun, innovative ways to teach and bring HIS word>

Parents will attend a church that their children learn at, have fun at and thought of as special. One show this with all the above I talked about.

Then again, I am preaching to the choir, I know.

Wow, how are they handling SSS??? Shaking head, I do not think that your church is ready for the two of us together! So much for that idea of me and the after school program. :(

Guess we will just have to hang out a little while longer to see where God is going to put us together again. Then look out, because it will be an AWESOME show let me tell you!!

I miss you, as a co-hort, as a fellow teacher to God's most precious, and as a freind. Good luck and prayers for you always!!