Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Fire and Brimstone

Well, I decorated for BTSW this weekend, and put up fabric over the doors to look like mosquito nets and tents. Someone, without full information, wrote a detailed email to me and CCd to everyone in the world about how my cloth was a fire hazard.

This person has done this numerous times in the past and apparently has it in for the CM dept. His wife actually calls him a Pharisee, strangely enough. Anyway, he has been told that the fabric we use has been fire treated in the past, but he still wants to make issues out of it.

Because he CCd the world, this tiny issue which could've been resolved with one little email saying "it's fire treated" ended up being this gigantic legal matter, which still has not been resolved by the head pastor. My whole day was wasted dealing with this.


Calvary Kids said...

Oh, I feel your pain. Ministry would be fabulous if we didn't have to deal with people! (I don't really believe that, but I do feel that way sometimes!) Hang in there!

CLPC Kids said...

Ha! Yeah, that thought has crossed my mind many times, trust me! Thanks for the support.