Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Recruitment Ideas and weekend recap

Saw this article in Christianity Today. Most of it is pretty much a nobrainer, but it does have some good ideas like parent day and bring a friend to volunteer day.

Back to work after a weekend away on vacation. Our numbers only dropped by 10, which was good for a holiday weekend. My 5th grade shepherd is doing a fabulous job of connecting with the kids offsite (Away from SS). She put a stack of little notes in my box for me to mail out for visitors and nonvisitors alike.

Friday was the Church Family Play Date. We met at a bowling alley and had great fun. Watching the kids was precious, especially watching the youth play with the kids. I loved the mix of family types (youth, elem, preschool). The Older Adults would've joined us, making it an intergenerational event, but they had an event scheduled already. Next month is pumpkin carving.

My vacation went well. Celebrated my friend's 30th at a South American restaurant in Austin. So much good food. I think I ate my weight in plantains. It was good to get away. My brain feels much more rested.


Calvary Kids said...

The article was a great reminder! That technique _ "try it for four weeks and see how you like it" - helped me complete my recruiting for our fall kick-off!

CLPC Kids said...

Wonderful! Yeah, we do workshop rotation in SS, so people only need to sign up for 3 weeks at a time. That works nicely.

I also invite them to come in and observe a "veteran" teacher. Then they see what it's like firsthand.

Letting them team teach is also good; they feel more comfortable, and they've brought a friend to the ministry.